Order Custom Signs for Your Business

Find the right custom signs for your business! Choose from customizable brass or plastic ADA, office and safety signs that are perfect for your business or storefront! Your order ships next business day!

Engraved Brass and Plastic Signs and Name Plates, Desk Wedges, and More

Corp Connect is your one stop shop for personalized plastic name plates, desk wedges, engraved brass plates and brass signs, and more. Whether you’re looking for a predesigned template or you prefer to design your own signs or name plates, including the option to add your company’s logo, we’ve got you covered. We also offer Award Plaques and other employee appreciation items for your company to celebrate individual accomplishments. Our products are made of the highest quality materials and workmanship and are made to last.

Be sure to browse our Custom Name Tags and Desk Plates for all your business' employee identification needs.